What is a Volunteer Docent?
A docent is someone who serves as a guide and educator in a museum. Docents are people of all ages and backgrounds who are enthusiastic, creative, and enjoy sharing their knowledge and excitement about Wayne County history with the public.
Volunteer docents should be willing and excited to work with children and adults. They present engaging and interactive tours of the museums and serve as an interpretation guide for visitors. Does this sound like something that would interest you or someone you know? Contact us at the Wayne County Historical Society to become involved in this process. While you may not initially feel like an expert, performing the docent role is a great way to rapidly increase your knowledge and value as a source of information to the less informed.
Come join our dedicated group of docents who are instrumental in helping preserve and share our unique history. Our Tour Guides (docents) go through a complete training process with periodic updates and special interest workshops.