The Smithville Community Historical Society and the Wayne County Civil War Round Table are proud to once again host Civil War History Day on Saturday, June 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Smithville Community Historical Society, 381 […]

Exhibit on historical roots of Sterling opens June 3
What do you think of when you hear of Sterling, Ohio? Sterling Farm Equipment or the former Maibach’s Home Furnishings may come to mind. But how about the Sterling Glass Company or Eddie Amstutz’s large leaf tobacco plant? We have […]

Exhibit honors “Wayne County in the Armed Forces”
The Wayne County Historical Society honors local men and women who served in the military in this year’s featured exhibit, “From the Collection: Wayne County in the Armed Forces,” on display through December. Tours of the exhibit and the rest […]

Veterans’ Roundtable returns to Wayne County Historical Society on May 18
The Wayne County Historical Society will honor veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on Thursday, May 18, at 6 p.m., as the Ed Arn Veterans’ Roundtable returns after a hiatus of several years. Five local veterans who served […]
Michael Nachtrieb’s portraits of women of Wayne County on display
The women of Wooster once were firmly placed into classes by the expectations of society, and those deemed upper-class were held to particularly high standards. From approximately 1820 to 1860, during a movement called the Cult of Domesticity, these women […]

Special exhibit of Wayne County homes painted by Wayne County artists
Where can you find a spectacular pink house lavished with intricate strapwork, cornices, and moldings; countless peaks and nooks; and a wraparound porch – all set into lush gardens and surrounded by elaborate wrought-iron fencing? At 408 N. Bever Street […]

Wayne County Historical Society reopens for season on March 11 with four new exhibits
WOOSTER, Feb. 28 – The Wayne County Historical Society will reopen to the public for the 2023 season on Saturday, March 11, with four new exhibits. Tours are available every Saturday at 1 and 2:30 p.m. at the historical society’s […]

Voices from the Past returns for its 30th season
WOOSTER, Jan. 19 – The Voices from the Past concert series is back for its 30th season, with three performances scheduled at the Wayne County Historical Society in Wooster. Tickets for each concert are $15 and can be purchased at […]

Wanted: volunteer archivist
The Wayne County Historical Society is looking for a volunteer archivist. If you are interested, please contact us at 330-264-8856.

Andy Kiel to explore JFK assassination on Nov. 15
Author, historian, and WCHS board member Andy Kiel will present “The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: After 59 Years, Can We Face the Truth?” on Tuesday, November 15, at 7 p.m. in the schoolhouse on the campus of the […]
Father of parapsychology’s Wayne County connection
In a darkened room in Boston in 1926, Joseph Banks Rhine was among those gathered around a table watching Mina Crandon attempt to contact the dead. The famed medium was conducting a séance, and Rhine was observing as research. He […]

The history of railroads in Wayne County
Wooster rejoiced in 1852 when its fight for a railroad resulted in the Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad establishing service. Soon, additional railroads linked various Wayne County settlements. The Cleveland, Zanesville & Cincinnati linked Fredericksburg, Apple Creek, East Union, Orrville and […]

Rediscover the permanent collection — and honor Dave Broehl — this Saturday
The schoolhouse, general store, firehouse, carriage house, and Kister building which garnish the grounds of the Wayne County Historical Society of Ohio, and the countless artifacts they house, impart a fascinating glimpse back in time. But they’re only the tip […]

Civil War Roundtable presents “Black Men in Blue: The Civil War, Ohioans, and the United States Colored Troops”
The Wayne County Civil War Roundtable will offer a free program on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 6:30 p.m. at the Wooster branch of the Wayne County Public Library. Kelly D. Mezurek will present “Black Men in Blue: The Civil War, […]
Historical Society to dedicate David Broehl Exhibit Halls
The Wayne County Historical Society will dedicate its permanent collection exhibit halls in honor of the late Dave Broehl on Saturday, Sept. 24. The ceremony, from 3 to 5 p.m. on the historical society’s campus at 546 E. Bowman St. […]

WCHS Community Band concert is July 14
The Wayne County Historical Society Summer Community Band will perform a program of marches, show tunes, patriotic songs, and more, on Thursday, July 14, at 7 p.m., on North Market Street in downtown Wooster. Spectators will need to provide their […]

Exhibit on Wayne County baseball legend Dean Chance opens July 9
Dean Chance was a Wayne County farm boy who made it big in the big leagues. This summer the Wayne County Historical Society is hosting the largest exhibit of Chance artifacts and memorabilia ever shown to the public. “Dean Chance: […]
Quinby descendants return to Wooster
Ephraim Quinby, Jr. was one of 19th-century Wooster’s movers and shakers. He made his fortune in real estate, held the original charter for the Wayne County National Bank, and was instrumental in bringing both the railroad and the University (now […]

Summer quilts pop up
Our newest pop-up exhibit – A Season of Quilts: Summer – is now on display. The dress shop/dry goods store is featuring our red, white, and blue quilts, as well as a few bathing suits and gingham dresses. Also on […]
College of Wooster students strive to save deteriorating historic Compton family house
The Wooster Daily Record newspaper’s reporter Bryce Buyakie recently wrote a story about the deterioration of the Wayne County Historical Landmark Compton House located on College Ave. in Wooster, Ohio. Read the story here: