In the mid 1960s, The Wayne County Historical Society reconstructed this picturesque, one-room school on our campus. The schoolhouse recreates the learning atmosphere of the late 1800s and is furnished with McGuffy Readers, a dunce cap and stool, and a potbelly stove.

Wooster Township originally had five one-room schools. Built in 1873, this specific building stood at the intersection of St. Rt. 250 (Dover Road) and McCoy Road. Locals called it the “Number 3 School.” The building hosted its last students in 1939 before the Triway Board of Education converted it to a storage facility. In 1964 the Board of Education donated the former schoolhouse to the Wayne County Historical Society. Workmen dismantled the building and rebuilt it between 1964-1966, and on December 7, 1966 the Society dedicated the reassembled building on their campus.
Our one-room schoolhouse is available for rent to host speakers, music, and community events. Please contact our office at 330-264-8856 for details.