The Wooster Daily Record newspaper’s reporter Bryce Buyakie recently wrote a story about the deterioration of the Wayne County Historical Landmark Compton House located on College Ave. in Wooster, Ohio. Read the story here:
Civil War Roundtable presents “The Battle of Fort Sumter – First Shots of the Civil War”
The Wayne County Civil War Roundtable will offer a free program on Tuesday, April 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Wooster branch of the Wayne County Public Library. Van Young will present “The Battle of Fort Sumter – First Shots […]
Historical Society reopens March 5 with new exhibits
The Wayne County Historical Society will reopen for the 2022 season on Saturday, March 5, with two new exhibits, plus a chance to see the second-floor bedrooms of the Beall-Stibbs House fully furnished for the first time in more than […]
Wooster’s Hero a 1923 Local Movie Film
Often overlooked in cinema history are the local “hometown” movie films that were produced by itinerant film producers for exhibition in local theaters in rural areas, like Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio. In 1923, Wooster was visited by the itinerant movie […]
WCHS receives Ohio Humanities OH CARES grant
The Wayne County Historical Society has received a $5,000 OH CARES grant from Ohio Humanities to help mitigate the impact of the coronavirus-driven closure of the historical society’s campus. The grant was made possible by funding that Ohio Humanities received […]
Boston Pianos were built where?
“The love of music is a strong factor in welding the affections of your children to all that is good, pure and noble … [and] a Boston Piano should be looked upon as a necessity, as valuable to the welfare […]
Pottery by Doylestown native Samuel Routson
Stoneware bowls, pitchers, crocks, and jugs were essential items in the early 19th-century kitchens of Wayne County, and the Historical Society has several fine examples turned out by a local craftsman, Doylestown native Samuel Routson. After serving an apprenticeship with […]
WCHS mourns the passing of Dave Broehl
Like so many others in the community, we are mourning the passing of WCHS board member and past president Dave Broehl, without whom the Wayne County Historical Society truly would not be what it is today. Dave served as president […]
An invention ahead of its time
Wayne County native Hiram Swartz had a long and distinguished career as a lawyer, probate judge, president of the Wayne County Bar Association, and two-term mayor of Wooster (1877 – 1881). He was also an inventor, who devoted almost 30 […]
Rally to the colors!
It’s difficult to overstate the importance a unit’s colors to a Civil War soldier. To capture those of the enemy was the pinnacle of achievement; to lose one’s own, a source of shame. Typically, the national flag and a distinctive […]