The Wayne County Historical Society of Ohio’s ability to preserve, interpret, and promote our rich heritage depends on the financial support of our members and the citizens of Wayne County.
Contributions to the Wayne County Historical Society help us preserve and maintain our historic buildings, grounds, and collections; sponsor engaging and relevant educational programs for all ages; and provide a comprehensive resource for scholars and community members wishing to connect with the history of Wayne County. Gifts may be made in honor of or in memory of a loved one or someone special to you, and we will be happy to notify the person you designate about your gift.
Ways to give
Gifts to the Annual Fund are a critical component of the Historical Society’s annual operating budget. They literally help us keep the lights on! You can make a one-time gift or set up a pledge payment plan to be paid in installments during the year.
Individuals, businesses, and organizations can support a specific project, exhibit, or program that means the most to them by contributing to a restricted fund. In the past, generous supporters have funded technology needs, interns, and special events in this way.
Endowment Funds
The Society also has five endowment funds, which are managed by the Wayne County Community Foundation. (An endowment fund can be restricted or unrestricted. If it is a restricted fund, interest earned can be used only for a restricted purpose.)
The Permanent General Endowment Fund, the Permanent GAR Endowment Fund, and the Permanent Sally Bernhardt Endowment Fund are unrestricted; the interest paid out each year supports the Society’s operating budget.
The Permanent Maintenance Endowment Fund is a designated fund for the maintenance, preservation, and conservation needs of the Society’s buildings, grounds, and permanent collections.
The Permanent Executive Director Endowment Fund is our newest fund and will be used to support the creation of the Historical Society’s first paid director’s position.
Planned Giving
You can leave a lasting legacy in support of our mission by including the Wayne County Historical Society in your estate planning. If that is your wish, you should consult a lawyer, your accountant, and/or your financial advisor. Some planned giving options include:
Bequests: A gift made by a provision in your will can take the form of cash, securities, personal property, or real estate. Regardless of the size of your estate, a bequest to the Society is not subjected to federal or state estate taxes. We can suggest language that you may wish to use in making a bequest to the Historical Society.
Charitable Gift Annuity: This is a simple contract between you and the Historical Society in which, in exchange for your gift of cash, securities, or property, the Society agrees to pay you a fixed rate annuity for your lifetime and/or lifetime of another person.
Additional ways to make a planned gift include Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Lead Trusts, gifts of appreciated securities, life insurance and tax-deferred retirement plans, and gifts of real estate.
Unless otherwise designated, planned gifts are placed in the Permanent General Endowment Fund.
Let’s talk
For more information about supporting the Historical Society financially, please contact us at 330-264-8856 or host@waynehistoricalohio.org.
The Wayne County Historical Society of Ohio is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to which are tax-deductible. Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgment letter for your records.